
28 February, 2017

Naturhouse earns €22.5 million in 2016 and aims to distribute €10.8m (€0.18/share) in dividends on 5 May 2017. With the proposed payment, the total dividend for 2016 stands at €0.38/share, with the payout rate at 101% and per-dividend yield at 7.84%.

·         Naturhouse has met all the commitments made for 2015 and 2016 during flotation, after opening 156 stores (85 more than planned), achieving an EBITDA margin of 33.4%, in the upper part of the guidance, and registering a payout of 101%, compared to the planned minimum of 80%.

·         The company has recovered the Italian and Spanish markets, as anticipated, and extends its international presence to 32 countries, after entering Hungary, India and Malta.

·         Naturhouse is increasing its payout commitment for 2017 to 85% compared to the previous 80% rate, and the company plans to open 121 centres during the period, to reach 2,400 stores by the end of the financial year.


Barcelona, 24 February 2017.- Naturhouse, a company specialising in the sale of dietary products and dietary re-education, has once again improved its revenues and shareholder remuneration.

Sales increased by 2.1% to €97.8 million, due to the positive performance of both franchises and directly-operated stores. EBITDA stands at €32.62 million and the EBITDA margin at 33.4%, placing it in the middle-to-high section of the group’s target range (30%/35%) for 2015 and 2016. Meanwhile, the company’s Net Profit reached €22.5 million.

In 2016, Naturhouse implemented a series of measures with the aim of driving sales. They included the addition of senior sales profiles, new products and a commitment to more efficient advertising, in line with the market’s new requirements.

In terms of geographic areas, in addition to the positive development of the international market, with sales increasing by 2.3% thanks to the positive performances registered in Poland (+10.8%) and Italy (+5.1%), the return to growth in Spain (+1.2%) after 8 years of setbacks also stands out.

As for centre numbers, Naturhouse has opened 156 stores in 2016, 41 of which correspond to openings in 4Q16, leading to a total of 2,279 stores worldwide, which is a new record that exceeds the net opening target for 2015-16 by 85 centres (+35%).

In terms of net cash position, Naturhouse ended 2016 with €12.81 million, compared to the end of 2015, after paying out €17 million in dividends and reducing its financial debt by €1.6 million, while awaiting a payment of €4.5 million from the Spanish Tax Authority. If the latter figure were included, the company’s net cash position at the end of 2016 would have stood at €17.3 million (16% more than at the end of 2015).

The Board of Directors has proposed a record final dividend payment for 2016 of €10.8m (€0.18/share) to be paid on 5 May 2017. The total dividend for 2016 therefore stands at €0.38/share, reaching a payout of 101% and placing per-dividend yield at 7.84%.

For 2017, the company has committed to maintaining its EBITDA margin at 30%-35%, closing the year with 2,400 centres and increasing its payout target to 85% from the previous 80%.

As suggested by Félix Revuelta, Chairman of Naturhouse, “The results for 2016 are very important for us, because we have met all the commitments we made on flotation, while also showing that we can improve our sales and increase the 2016 dividend by even more than we had previously forecast, placing our payout at 101% for the very first time. This is all a reflection of our clear commitment to the Group’s growth, without renouncing our goal of maximising shareholder remuneration.”

About Naturhouse

Naturhouse is a Spanish business group listed on the Spanish stock exchange that works in the diet and nutrition sector, with a proprietary and distinctive business model based on the “Naturhouse Method”. The method combines the sale of food supplements with free, personalised advice and monitoring from a qualified specialist. Since it opened its first shop in the Spanish city of Vitoria in 1992, Naturhouse has provided advice to more than 5,500,000 people. The company, which operates in 32 countries, had 2,279 centres at 30 December 2016, both directly operated and franchises. Naturhouse is the only diet food business to be present throughout the whole value chain, from product development and manufacturing to sales and customer assessment. This, alongside the business’ low investment requirements and an attractive return for franchisees, has meant the company has received numerous awards. For seven consecutive years, it has been selected as one of the top 100 franchises worldwide by Franchise Direct.

For further information, please contact Tinkle Communications:

Sarah Estebanez/Sara Medina (+34 91 787 70 80)


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