Naturhouse shows earnings of €17.7 million in the first nine months of the year and maintains its market commitments for 2017
Naturhouse shows earnings of €17.7 million in the first nine months of the year and maintains its market commitments for 2017
Madrid, 27 October 2017.- Naturhouse, a company specialising in the sale of dietary products and dietary re-education, has registered a turnover of €75.12m, highlighting the acceleration of growth in Spain and the positive performance of the French market.
EBITDA stands at €25.6 million and the EBITDA margin at 34%, in the upper part of the group’s target range for 2017 (30%-35%), in spite of the additional costs incurred from developing new markets and the opening of DOS in locations without Naturhouse presence, in which sufficient demand for our services has been detected, as a preliminary step to future franchises, with the objective of boosting the Group’s growth.
Meanwhile, Net Profits reached €17.7 million.
In terms of geographic areas, along with a French market that is maintaining growth, the domestic market is also showing a slight acceleration, growing at a pace of almost 2% for the quarter. This is due to the positive tactical decision to implement marketing and staff restructuring measures in the two markets. Meanwhile, sales in Italy and Poland eased during the period. In the former this was the outcome of weak retail sales, along with adverse climate factors in the first half of the year. The latter market, meanwhile, is still affected by the transition in Poland’s management, which concluded with the appointment of two area managers under the direct supervision of Group Vice Chairman, Kilian Revuelta. With this move, we expect Poland to return to growth in the coming quarters, thanks to new sales policies being implemented in the market.
In terms of centre numbers, Naturhouse has reached a total of 2,350 stores in 33 countries, after opening 71 centres to September.
As for the company’s net cash position, Naturhouse ended 3Q17 with €9 million, after paying out €22.8m in dividends for the year. It must be highlighted that this amount does not include the €4.5m pending repayment by the Spanish Tax Authority, and if this latter figure were included, the company’s net cash position at the end of 3T17 would stand at €13.5 million.
The company is reiterating its commitment in 2017 to maintaining the EBITDA margin between 30% and 35%, with a payout of more than 85% and a total of 2,400 centres by the end of the financial year.
According to Félix Revuelta, Chairman of Naturhouse: “A return to growth for France and Spain in light of the steps we have taken makes us think that, with the same marketing policies and sales approach, Italy and Poland will return to growth in the coming quarters. This will be joined by the progress made in terms of our international growth, not only in countries where we are beginning our journey as a brand, but also in others where we are negotiating new master franchise contracts.”
About Naturhouse
Naturhouse is a Spanish business group listed on the Spanish stock exchange that works in the diet and nutrition sector, with a proprietary and distinctive business model based on the “Naturhouse Method”. The method combines the sale of food supplements with free, personalised advice and monitoring from a qualified specialist. Since it opened its first shop in the Spanish city of Vitoria in 1992, Naturhouse has provided advice to more than 5,500,000 people. The company, which operates in 32 countries, had 2,350 centres at 30 September 2017, both directly operated and franchises. Naturhouse is the only diet food business to be present throughout the whole value chain, from product development and manufacturing to sales and customer assessment. This, alongside the business’ low investment requirements and an attractive return for franchisees, has meant the company has received numerous awards. For seven consecutive years, it has been selected as one of the top 100 franchises worldwide by Franchise Direct.
For further information, please contact Tinkle Communications:
Sarah Estebanez/Sara Medina (+34 91 787 70 80)